Actor-Singer jodi Sangeetha-Krish are back in Vijay TV in Boys Vs Girls Season 2.. This week they will be the only judges in the show and Meena, shyaam are not available.. From yesterday's judging I felt bad for Sandra and for her performance. I felt she did a very good job but the comments from the judges were very bad..I think its better Vijay TV does not bring judges who dont have experience in that specific field. Sangeetha was also not so giving good comments for the performances. I personally feel Krish can be invited as special guest for Super Singer Junior and that should be fine but not into judging. what do you guys think ??
Yes, what you said is 100% correct, I got irritated by the comments of Sangeetha on Sandra's work. She really put her soul on her work, but she got a worst comment. Vijay TV should be taking care on the selection of Judges.
I think Sangeetha should take classes in hip hop..... she does not know the real hip hop.....she sounded arrogant and was throwing her weight around. I personally felt she should learn from other judges to give comments........Bad choice by Vijay TV to bring back Sangeetha.
You are right Sangeetha sounded as if she knows everything about dance. Participants needs encouragement not discouragement.
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