With the Boys Vs Girls season 1 getting over.. there are news about the next season even.. this is the list of contestants who would be competing in the second season of the show.. I am not sure about the list.. it might even change..
Aishwaria (Siva's jodi no 1 pair)
Priya (Kanaa Kaanum Kaalangal)
Janani (Rojakootam)
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Tax reliefs to boost DTH/Digital cable
Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni has urged Finance
Minister Pranab Mukherjee Mukherjee to bring down the special additional duty (SAD) and countervailing duty (CVD) on digital set-top boxes to zero per cent for at least five years. The current SAD and CVD on set-top boxes are 4 per cent and 8 per cent respectively. There will be a nearly seven-fold increase in the number of DTH and digital cable subscribers, to around 82 million by 2013-14 and a net revenue of around Rs 72 billion, if the current duty regime is brought to zero for five years, the Ministry estimates.
In the last two years, DTH and digital cable sector grew from around four million subscribers to 12.5 million subscribers, and the figure is expected to cross the 80 million mark within the next five years if the duty regime is ended, according to estimates presented at Ficci Frames. According to the calculations made by industry experts, the reduction in CVD and SAD on boxes may result in a one-time revenue loss of Rs 210 per box but the recurring revenue benefit will be Rs 622 per year per STB to the government – amounting to a recurring revenue of Rs 17.30 billion per year, with additional penetration of the boxes in DTH and digital cable services. Some stakeholders told indiantelevision.com that the sector wants broadcasting to be categorized as an infrastructure service so that the benefits and incentives applicable for the infrastructure sector could be extended to it.
Noting that the Government is introducing Goods and Service Tax (GST) regime from April 2010, it has also been suggested that the service tax, entertainment tax and VAT should be subsumed in GST and only a single/unified GST rate be notified for direct-to-home (DTH), FM Radio operators, cable services, and for similar content distribution services. Soni recently said she had sought reduction in the fringe benefit tax (FBT) from 20 per cent to 5 per cent for media personnel working for both print and electronic media companies. "Keeping in mind the fact that the broadcasting sector is expected to grow at the rate of 12% in the next four years, I requested the Finance Minister to provide parity and rationalisation in the service tax paid by broadcasters on revenues accrued by them from advertisements,'' Soni said after a meeting with Mukherjee. Sources said that the broadcasting sector is also seeking relief in Fringe Benefit Tax in the matter of booking of hotels, travel and food even when traveling for professional work. The sector wants a reduction in FBT for media personnel from 20 per cent to 5 per cent. The basic custom duty for digital head-end equipments should be brought to zero per cent. This presently varies from 7.5 to 10 per cent.
The sector wants tax holiday for five years under Section 80 – 1A of the Income Tax Act for those sub-sectors who are undertaking digitalization and tax at not more than 30 per cent for a further five assessment years in a block of 15 years. Broadcasting entities want exemption from payment of service tax on revenue accruing from advertisements shown on electronic media, at par with the print media. A Ficci spokesperson told indiantelevision.com that it was seeking that the gaming, animation and the VFX (visual effects) industries be given a ten-year tax holiday as they were emerging sectors. This should also be extended to children’s films. Ficci also feels that there is need to encourage local talent by providing a mandatory provision on the networks to screen ten per cent of local programming to begin with, ultimately taking this to 30 per cent. This was because most of the animation and gaming at present was being imported despite local talent being available.
Minister Pranab Mukherjee Mukherjee to bring down the special additional duty (SAD) and countervailing duty (CVD) on digital set-top boxes to zero per cent for at least five years. The current SAD and CVD on set-top boxes are 4 per cent and 8 per cent respectively. There will be a nearly seven-fold increase in the number of DTH and digital cable subscribers, to around 82 million by 2013-14 and a net revenue of around Rs 72 billion, if the current duty regime is brought to zero for five years, the Ministry estimates.
In the last two years, DTH and digital cable sector grew from around four million subscribers to 12.5 million subscribers, and the figure is expected to cross the 80 million mark within the next five years if the duty regime is ended, according to estimates presented at Ficci Frames. According to the calculations made by industry experts, the reduction in CVD and SAD on boxes may result in a one-time revenue loss of Rs 210 per box but the recurring revenue benefit will be Rs 622 per year per STB to the government – amounting to a recurring revenue of Rs 17.30 billion per year, with additional penetration of the boxes in DTH and digital cable services. Some stakeholders told indiantelevision.com that the sector wants broadcasting to be categorized as an infrastructure service so that the benefits and incentives applicable for the infrastructure sector could be extended to it.
Noting that the Government is introducing Goods and Service Tax (GST) regime from April 2010, it has also been suggested that the service tax, entertainment tax and VAT should be subsumed in GST and only a single/unified GST rate be notified for direct-to-home (DTH), FM Radio operators, cable services, and for similar content distribution services. Soni recently said she had sought reduction in the fringe benefit tax (FBT) from 20 per cent to 5 per cent for media personnel working for both print and electronic media companies. "Keeping in mind the fact that the broadcasting sector is expected to grow at the rate of 12% in the next four years, I requested the Finance Minister to provide parity and rationalisation in the service tax paid by broadcasters on revenues accrued by them from advertisements,'' Soni said after a meeting with Mukherjee. Sources said that the broadcasting sector is also seeking relief in Fringe Benefit Tax in the matter of booking of hotels, travel and food even when traveling for professional work. The sector wants a reduction in FBT for media personnel from 20 per cent to 5 per cent. The basic custom duty for digital head-end equipments should be brought to zero per cent. This presently varies from 7.5 to 10 per cent.
The sector wants tax holiday for five years under Section 80 – 1A of the Income Tax Act for those sub-sectors who are undertaking digitalization and tax at not more than 30 per cent for a further five assessment years in a block of 15 years. Broadcasting entities want exemption from payment of service tax on revenue accruing from advertisements shown on electronic media, at par with the print media. A Ficci spokesperson told indiantelevision.com that it was seeking that the gaming, animation and the VFX (visual effects) industries be given a ten-year tax holiday as they were emerging sectors. This should also be extended to children’s films. Ficci also feels that there is need to encourage local talent by providing a mandatory provision on the networks to screen ten per cent of local programming to begin with, ultimately taking this to 30 per cent. This was because most of the animation and gaming at present was being imported despite local talent being available.
21 @ Coimbatore..
Coimbatore auditions of Airtel Super Junior 2 had got over last week.. it was whole fun seeing the kids singing. I liked the show very much & its really good that the show has been scheduled from Monday to Thursday every week. From thousands and thousands of participants.. the preliminary audition brought the contestants down and first level of the auditions brought the contestants to 150 for final level of auditions.. it was announced that 15 will be selected from the top 150 to make it into the next major level in the competition.. Finally judges Deepan Chakravarthy & Mahathi had selected 21 kids for the next round in the competition. This 21 kids will be participating the next rounds of the competition in Chennai..
Its Girls..

The Judgement day of Boys Vs Girls proved to be a bad judgement according to me.. it was announced that the winners are Girls. I felt boys were better than Girls. I dont mean that Girls are not good, I really like Priyadarshini's performances and few more concept performances.. Boys had been proving they are good in many concept rounds..
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
DD may go digital, open up for pvt broadcasters
Along with the television antennas sticking out from millions of roof tops across the country, DD’s TV audiences could soon need set-top boxes. For the Government behemoth, plans to migrate to digital terrestrial broadcasting on a pan-Indiabasis, and is looking to partner with private broadcasters. It has submitted a detailed proposal to the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, which could cost the national exchequer about Rs 3,500 crore, according to estimates made in 2006.
Need for set-top boxes
Currently, DD is the only broadcaster which has permission to offer terrestrial TV services. All the private players, such as Star, Sony or Sun TV are available on satellite-based TV platforms, such as cable and direct-to-home. But DD’s terrestrial platform currently is on the analogue mode, which offers poorer viewing quality. If DD’s plan to go digital goes through, then consumers will get digital quality TV services. They will, however, have to invest in a set- top box, which costs about Rs 2,000, which could also be subsidised by the Government. According to DD officials, the transition from analogue to digital could take place over a period of 4-5 years. DD’s channels offered on the terrestrial mode and on its DTH have been free-to-air, it is exploring the option of monetising the investment for digital conversion by allowing private broadcasters to utilise its platform on a revenue sharing basis. DD also proposes to host mobile TV services on the digitised network. Currently consumers get DD National, DD news and a third regional language channel on the terrestrial network.
Turning digital, will improve DD’s transmission strength to accommodate about 6-8 channels/transmitter. Interested private broadcaster could use the additional channels to offer paid TV services to nearly 120 million homes. They could also put up digital transmitters at their own cost on DD’s towers and add more channels to the bouquet. Though, in the case of FM radio, the Government has only allowed city-wise licences. The telecom regulator had recommended the opening up the terrestrial sector to private players in 2005, and for community television.
Trials in delhi
Doordarshan has already conducted trials of its digital terrestrial transmission services in Delhi. In 2006, the projected cost of migrating to digital had been estimated at Rs 3,531 crore by a Committee of Financial Restructuring of Prasar Bharati. Earlier, an expert group set up by the Prime Minister’s Office had set 2015 as the deadline to phase out analogue TV transmission completely. Prasar Bharti was to start DTT in 2010; the report of this group had, keeping the Commonwealth Games in mind, even coined a slogan ‘Digital Delhi by 2010’ for the Capital.
content - Hindu Business Line
Need for set-top boxes
Currently, DD is the only broadcaster which has permission to offer terrestrial TV services. All the private players, such as Star, Sony or Sun TV are available on satellite-based TV platforms, such as cable and direct-to-home. But DD’s terrestrial platform currently is on the analogue mode, which offers poorer viewing quality. If DD’s plan to go digital goes through, then consumers will get digital quality TV services. They will, however, have to invest in a set- top box, which costs about Rs 2,000, which could also be subsidised by the Government. According to DD officials, the transition from analogue to digital could take place over a period of 4-5 years. DD’s channels offered on the terrestrial mode and on its DTH have been free-to-air, it is exploring the option of monetising the investment for digital conversion by allowing private broadcasters to utilise its platform on a revenue sharing basis. DD also proposes to host mobile TV services on the digitised network. Currently consumers get DD National, DD news and a third regional language channel on the terrestrial network.
Turning digital, will improve DD’s transmission strength to accommodate about 6-8 channels/transmitter. Interested private broadcaster could use the additional channels to offer paid TV services to nearly 120 million homes. They could also put up digital transmitters at their own cost on DD’s towers and add more channels to the bouquet. Though, in the case of FM radio, the Government has only allowed city-wise licences. The telecom regulator had recommended the opening up the terrestrial sector to private players in 2005, and for community television.
Trials in delhi
Doordarshan has already conducted trials of its digital terrestrial transmission services in Delhi. In 2006, the projected cost of migrating to digital had been estimated at Rs 3,531 crore by a Committee of Financial Restructuring of Prasar Bharati. Earlier, an expert group set up by the Prime Minister’s Office had set 2015 as the deadline to phase out analogue TV transmission completely. Prasar Bharti was to start DTT in 2010; the report of this group had, keeping the Commonwealth Games in mind, even coined a slogan ‘Digital Delhi by 2010’ for the Capital.
content - Hindu Business Line
Sujibala stops Pooja..

Actress Sujibala stopped Pooja's run in the Samayal Samayal program last week.. it was Pooja's final round which would have got her the modular kitchen as prize but unfortunately actress sujibala who competed against Pooja lost the contest..
Final Result this week ??
Last week's grand finale of the so called "south India's top dance realty show" Boys Vs Girls got over but the results were not announced.. Mumtaz, the judge said that she and Srikanth had to do homework to compute the marks and they will be able to tell the result only next week.. the grand final which went on for 3 hours in Vijay Tv was quite okay.. I liked 2 performances very much.. one by Priyadarshini and the other of the team performance by the Boys team.. I guess with the final got completed..Boys have an edge over the girls to win the contest.. lets see this week how it goes..
Whats up with Coimbatore Auditions..
With Coimbatore auditions being started in Airtel Super Singer Junior 2, it was preliminary round audition for the kids on monday and it had judges Anitha, Nikhil Mathew and Gautham.. further sterday it was Main level auditions that happened.. both the days of the show was enjoyable.. and I am sure whole of this junior version will be enjoyable.. Today and tomorrow it would be next level of auditions itself.. the main level of audition had Deepan Chakravarthy, Anitha Kuppuswamy and Mahathi as judge and I guess they would continue to be there for next level of auditions even.
It was announced that 15 kids will be selected from this level 2 auditions in the show and they will be travelling to Chennai for next rounds in the competition.. so today and tomorrow it would be with contestants waitlisted and selected for the main event in the show.. watch out for the same..
It was announced that 15 kids will be selected from this level 2 auditions in the show and they will be travelling to Chennai for next rounds in the competition.. so today and tomorrow it would be with contestants waitlisted and selected for the main event in the show.. watch out for the same..
Vivel Miss Chennai, Chennai Man Announced..
Vivel's Miss Chennai and Chennai Man was announced earlier this week.. the show is also been telecasted in Star Vijay TV.. here are some of the photos of the show.. will update you guys once I get to know the winners..

Joy of Giving

Celebrities from all verticals gathered at The Park, Chennai this evening to announce the Joy of Giving Week, planned to be held from September 27 - October 3, 2009, organized by GiveIndia, India’s largest philanthropic platform. The Joy of Giving Week is devised as an ambitious social movement that aims to engage two crore Indians spanning companies, schools, colleges, celebrities and the general public.
Speaking at the event, Suriya announced that he would allocate 10% of his salary for such philanthropic activities. He also revealed that he is being chided by Gnanavel, who heads the Agaram Foundation run by his family, for not visiting the foundation to oversee its activities. “I promise that I will spend at least a day every month from now on with the Foundation,” Suriya asserted. Shriya, who also addressed the gathering, wished that such efforts are supported by public in a large scale.
Courtesy - Behindwoods
Monday, June 29, 2009
Prabhu Deva mourns MJ’s demise @ UYAP Grand Finals
Fondly called the Michael Jackson of India, Prabhu Deva, who presided over the grand finale of Vijay TV’s dance contest 'Ungalil Yaar Adutha Prabhu Deva', was visibly distraught by the sorrowful news about Michael Jackson’s untimely death.
“Today is truly very sad day for me and every other dancer in the world. Michael Jackson was my mentor. I grew up watching his dance and copying his steps. Even today, when I choreograph for songs or when I am just dancing at home, without my knowledge MJ’s steps seep in. It’s really heart-breaking to think that my hero is no more,” he said, adding that had it not been for the hard work of the participants of the dance contest, he would not have stepped out of home today. After this brief speech, he welcomed the participants and then broke into a dance for a few lines of Michael Jackson’s super hit number Dangerous, imitating some of the King of Pop’s favourite steps, while the audience cheered.
“Today is truly very sad day for me and every other dancer in the world. Michael Jackson was my mentor. I grew up watching his dance and copying his steps. Even today, when I choreograph for songs or when I am just dancing at home, without my knowledge MJ’s steps seep in. It’s really heart-breaking to think that my hero is no more,” he said, adding that had it not been for the hard work of the participants of the dance contest, he would not have stepped out of home today. After this brief speech, he welcomed the participants and then broke into a dance for a few lines of Michael Jackson’s super hit number Dangerous, imitating some of the King of Pop’s favourite steps, while the audience cheered.
22 new channels coming up..
With the Information and Broadcasting (I&B) Ministry giving permission to 22 new channels to downlink in the country, India has now got 458 television channels officially allowed to be carried across cable, direct-to-home (DTH) and IPTV platforms. Four new channels of National Geographic and three regional news channels of Network18 Group are among the 22 channels that have been given the necessary permission to broadcast in the country by the I&B Ministry.
After nearly one year of applying for the necessary permission to downlink four new channels, Fox Channels (India) got the nod from the I&B Ministry to bring in its channels - Nat Geo HD, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Adventure and Nat Geo Music to India. With this, the NGC Network India will have a bouquet of six channels, including the Nat Geo channel and Fox History & Entertainment channel. However, Nat Geo's competitor and genre leader Discovery Networks India, that has also applied for permission to launch three new channels, does not figure in the overall list of 22 channels that have been given the nod by the I&B Ministry last week.
Network18 plans to launch three regional business news channels - CNBC South, CNBC Gujarati and CNBC Channel 3. In November 2008, the company had received the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) approval for these channels. The Telugu news channel genre will also receive yet another new entrant, this time from the stable of the Telugu daily - Andhra Jyothi. The company has received the permission to launch ABN Andhra Jyothi. ABN stands for Amoda Broadcasting Network, the company that will bring out the news channel.
Kalaignar TV has also got permission for Kalaignar Asia, which will be for audiences in Singapore and Malaysia, according to Sharath Kumar, managing director, Kalaignar TV. The others include Raj Television Network for Raj TV Asia, Information TV for four channels including two city channels, Pavitar Entertainment, Pride East Entertainment, Priyamda Media, Vedic Broadcasting and Rama Associates, who have received permission for one channel each.
After nearly one year of applying for the necessary permission to downlink four new channels, Fox Channels (India) got the nod from the I&B Ministry to bring in its channels - Nat Geo HD, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Adventure and Nat Geo Music to India. With this, the NGC Network India will have a bouquet of six channels, including the Nat Geo channel and Fox History & Entertainment channel. However, Nat Geo's competitor and genre leader Discovery Networks India, that has also applied for permission to launch three new channels, does not figure in the overall list of 22 channels that have been given the nod by the I&B Ministry last week.
Network18 plans to launch three regional business news channels - CNBC South, CNBC Gujarati and CNBC Channel 3. In November 2008, the company had received the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) approval for these channels. The Telugu news channel genre will also receive yet another new entrant, this time from the stable of the Telugu daily - Andhra Jyothi. The company has received the permission to launch ABN Andhra Jyothi. ABN stands for Amoda Broadcasting Network, the company that will bring out the news channel.
Kalaignar TV has also got permission for Kalaignar Asia, which will be for audiences in Singapore and Malaysia, according to Sharath Kumar, managing director, Kalaignar TV. The others include Raj Television Network for Raj TV Asia, Information TV for four channels including two city channels, Pavitar Entertainment, Pride East Entertainment, Priyamda Media, Vedic Broadcasting and Rama Associates, who have received permission for one channel each.
Cannes: ToI Chennai bags double honours in Film Lions
The Times Of India’s ‘A Day in the life of Chennai’ campaign has bagged two Gold Lions at the International Advertising Festival at Cannes this year. With two more metals in its kitty, India’s tally at Cannes has gone up to 25 in 2009 from the 23 that it had grabbed last year. Also, with the win, JWT India has managed to end its 2009 Cannes season with three Gold Lions in its pocket. According to the jury members, the Nakka Mukka campaign was a perfect mix of social life with politics with a further tinge of ‘amazing music’ added to it. Meanwhile, Barack Obama’s election campaign “Obama for America” won two Grand Prix awards – one Titanium and one Integrated. The Grand Prix for Film went to an interactive video by Tribal DDB Amsterdam for Dutch electronics giant Philips and its new $3,999 home-cinema TV.
- Indiantelevision.com
- Indiantelevision.com
Best Moments of Vijay Awards..
There were several best moments of Vijay Awards 2009 and here is my list of best moments..
1. Suriya falling in Kamal Hassan's feet.
This was something which made the whole audiance to clap for and Kamal Hassan always deserves it. But, Suriya making it in this ceremony showed how u treats Dr. Kamal hassan..
2. Gautham Menon & Harris Jeyaraj.
It was embarrasing for both Gautham and Harris on stage.. but I guess Harris Jeyaraj was open to speak but Gautham's face showed it off. Finally Gautham said, next year we will do a film, that was a bit of relief.
3. Best Crew.
When best crew award was given to Subramaniapuram.. James Vasanthan started to tease Sasikumar and Jai but it was funny when Sasikumar said.. "naanga tamizhan".
4. Anjathe.
It was one of the best moments of the awards when the award was given to kuruvi character of Anjathe film..he was excited and started saying that he doesnt deserve for the award and real kuruvi is Ilayathalapathi.
5. Thamarai.
Thamarai, when she got the award with her daughter speaking about the women's 33 %
6. Award Smiles @ Sneha
When PArthipen said Award smiles at Sneha, everyone smiled for a while..
7. Surya - Jyothika entry
when this pair entered into the Nehru stadium.. when DD asked about their dressing.. it was fun..
8. Dhanush
When Dhanush got the award.. for the first time of his life..
1. Suriya falling in Kamal Hassan's feet.
This was something which made the whole audiance to clap for and Kamal Hassan always deserves it. But, Suriya making it in this ceremony showed how u treats Dr. Kamal hassan..
2. Gautham Menon & Harris Jeyaraj.
It was embarrasing for both Gautham and Harris on stage.. but I guess Harris Jeyaraj was open to speak but Gautham's face showed it off. Finally Gautham said, next year we will do a film, that was a bit of relief.
3. Best Crew.
When best crew award was given to Subramaniapuram.. James Vasanthan started to tease Sasikumar and Jai but it was funny when Sasikumar said.. "naanga tamizhan".
4. Anjathe.
It was one of the best moments of the awards when the award was given to kuruvi character of Anjathe film..he was excited and started saying that he doesnt deserve for the award and real kuruvi is Ilayathalapathi.
5. Thamarai.
Thamarai, when she got the award with her daughter speaking about the women's 33 %
6. Award Smiles @ Sneha
When PArthipen said Award smiles at Sneha, everyone smiled for a while..
7. Surya - Jyothika entry
when this pair entered into the Nehru stadium.. when DD asked about their dressing.. it was fun..
8. Dhanush
When Dhanush got the award.. for the first time of his life..
Chella kural thedal...
Airtel Super singer junior 2 had started and today we had the coimbatore's preliminary auditions that took place early this month.. it was really nice to see this junior version.. all the kids being so cute and the way they sing brings in smile for sure.. there were several kids of that kind and i will post the videos soon in my Airtel Super singer junior 2 blog.. it was DD to anchor the show and to be frank I feel DD is far better than Malini and Yugendran.. she mingled with the kids and played some games with them even. i guess next 3 days it would be the Coimbatore level auditions that will select contestants to for the Chennai round..
Airtel Super Singer 2006, Gautam, Anitha and Nikhil Mathew were the judges for this preliminary rounds and they were very gentle with the kids and made sure that they make right decisions ;)..
Airtel Super Singer 2006, Gautam, Anitha and Nikhil Mathew were the judges for this preliminary rounds and they were very gentle with the kids and made sure that they make right decisions ;)..
Sunday, June 28, 2009
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