I came across this interesting post and I think its a valid one too.. I agree with the writer on the MP3 part but I dont think other mistakes should be considered.. If this kind of consideration is been done for all, then none would have become a super singer.. Read this post to know more ...
Airtel Super Ajeesh Doesn't deserve to be winner - A true analysis.
This is my first post on my observance which people always forget to analysis why some one is a winner and someone is not?
In the airtel super singer finals when ajeesh sang the song " Sangeetha jathi mullai" the crowd was mesmerished by his singing capability. But, do you know what really happened.
Take a look at the clipping at:
Specifically, look at the clip what ageesh is doing, between the timer -7:20 to -7:17. You would see he is removing his earplugs from his ears!
This is what in music studio when a singer records a song. The song will be previously recorded with a track singer. The singer job is to just overlap that singing and record their sound track separately. Now, they would remove the track singer's voice and insert the track of the true playback singers voice. This is how it is being done so that they don't waste the time of the playback singer!
Now, what are the flaws of what Ajeesh did on that song:
1. Up until the alabanai, he just copied what SPB was singing in his earplugs ;)
2. The tempo of the song. Listen to the song SPB has sung and you will find that this is a fast paced svaram at the end of the song. SPB completed the Svarangal 4 lines before Ajeesh! Even if you have the notes and practice then with the slow pace you can sing the same song, yes but with lot of practice.
3. In the last Svarangal, he screwed up the lines:
thagara thoom |
tharegida thoom |
tharegana thoom |
thagadimi thoom | ---3
tharegida thoom was repeated 4X3 times. These nuances are the essential beauty of the singer!
4. Don't know but, I heard minor voice that was singing maybe from the earplug between -6:36 to -6:28. Maybe echo, which I dont see anywhere when he was singing with music. If so it should echo, when he was singing with music as well.
5. Was Vijay TV involved in showing leniency to him, by allowing him to use MP3 player????
6. The emotion of the song was lost. In the original SPB, would make you feel that the actor reels, emotional, frustrated, lost, angry, sad, zeal, happy, passionate. All these are reflected in SPB singing but not with Ajeesh, who went on to sing "emotionlessly" the song. This a required quality of a singer to take you to the state of the song!
So what is lagging, everything and showing wrong path to success!
I'm not harsh on Ajesh, but being critical I wanna show people of Tamil Nadu what a bad judgement they gave! I would rate Renu better even she looks at the notes to sing the song.
Ajesh, the success you got will not sustain if it was coming from the wrong path you choose. But, I agree, with you is that, you have far superior pronounciation and clarity in voice when compared to Ravi. You sound more Tamil rather being a Mallu. I appreciate your effort on that.
Cheers this is my first Critic Post!
Content courtesy - http://blogs.myspace.com/485710268
ajesh doesnt deserve this , he will never or can never become a recognised singer
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